Monday, June 29, 2009

Random Thoughts on the Family

I just wanted to share some love on the blog today. As I was thinking back on worship from this past Sunday, I was reminded of how much I love the people I serve with. God has blessed me beyond measure. Even though we do not always agree on things, we love because we are family. We forgive, because we are family. We never give up, because we are family. We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ bought with His precious blood. So, when things get tough, when life weighs us down, when we get our feelings hurt, when we want to throw in the towel, we don't...because we are family. Instead we support each other, we love each other, we encourage one another and we find common ground that we can share. Sounds like a true community of believers!!!

All that to say, we will be out of town visiting the great state of Alabama next Sunday, July 5. We will miss you all while we are away and will be praying for you as you worship together next Sunday. Think of a "family member" you haven't spoken with in a while or seen in worship in a while and give them a call today. Let them know you love them. Let them know you miss them. And encourage them to join you this Sunday in Bible Study and worship. Isn't that what families are for?

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