I just wanted to share some love on the blog today. As I was thinking back on worship from this past Sunday, I was reminded of how much I love the people I serve with. God has blessed me beyond measure. Even though we do not always agree on things, we love because we are family. We forgive, because we are family. We never give up, because we are family. We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ bought with His precious blood. So, when things get tough, when life weighs us down, when we get our feelings hurt, when we want to throw in the towel, we don't...because we are family. Instead we support each other, we love each other, we encourage one another and we find common ground that we can share. Sounds like a true community of believers!!!
All that to say, we will be out of town visiting the great state of Alabama next Sunday, July 5. We will miss you all while we are away and will be praying for you as you worship together next Sunday. Think of a "family member" you haven't spoken with in a while or seen in worship in a while and give them a call today. Let them know you love them. Let them know you miss them. And encourage them to join you this Sunday in Bible Study and worship. Isn't that what families are for?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Conclusion of 10 Guidelines from the Early Church
6. Worship was Eucharistic - The early Christians were a community that was conscious of the need to give thanks to God.
7. Worship Involved Koinonia - The Greek word, koinonia, means "sharing" or "participation" and is seen as the kind of giving in the fellowship that builds up the family of Christ. This is the focus of 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 - each person was expected to come and share in the event of worship rather than simply listen to one person.
8. Worship was Corporate - There was also a corporateness in worship in every sense. The church was consciously a body or a fellowship of persons who saw themselves as inextricably bound together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
9. Worship Included Music - The early Christians lifted their voices in praise to God. The New Testament frequently mentions the corporate singing which took place in their midst and also indicates some of their hymns and spiritual songs (e.g., Phil 2:6-11; Eph 5:19-20; Rev 4:8-11; 5:9-13).
10. Worship Included Singing and Songwriting - There are a number of hymns or spiritual songs in the New Testament literature.
There are two points here that we have lost sight of in modern worship. Worship Involved Koinonia. It seems to me that many people come to be entertained in todays society. If it isn't satisfying to the "audience", then we have failed in our attempt to worship. First, we must remember who the true audience is, the Lord, Jesus Christ. Then, we must remember that we all play a part in worship. Worship is participatory. We should never sit back as spectators, critics, or as the audience.
Worship Was Corporate - What has happened to that bond? Why do we seem so disconnected? We are a community of believers bound together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, we have differences. We all have our likes and dislikes. But, if we come in with the attitude of Koinonia would our likes and dislikes really matter?
Let's hear your thoughts. Then maybe we can grow in our personal walk with the Lord and grow in our walk with each other.
7. Worship Involved Koinonia - The Greek word, koinonia, means "sharing" or "participation" and is seen as the kind of giving in the fellowship that builds up the family of Christ. This is the focus of 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 - each person was expected to come and share in the event of worship rather than simply listen to one person.
8. Worship was Corporate - There was also a corporateness in worship in every sense. The church was consciously a body or a fellowship of persons who saw themselves as inextricably bound together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
9. Worship Included Music - The early Christians lifted their voices in praise to God. The New Testament frequently mentions the corporate singing which took place in their midst and also indicates some of their hymns and spiritual songs (e.g., Phil 2:6-11; Eph 5:19-20; Rev 4:8-11; 5:9-13).
10. Worship Included Singing and Songwriting - There are a number of hymns or spiritual songs in the New Testament literature.
There are two points here that we have lost sight of in modern worship. Worship Involved Koinonia. It seems to me that many people come to be entertained in todays society. If it isn't satisfying to the "audience", then we have failed in our attempt to worship. First, we must remember who the true audience is, the Lord, Jesus Christ. Then, we must remember that we all play a part in worship. Worship is participatory. We should never sit back as spectators, critics, or as the audience.
Worship Was Corporate - What has happened to that bond? Why do we seem so disconnected? We are a community of believers bound together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, we have differences. We all have our likes and dislikes. But, if we come in with the attitude of Koinonia would our likes and dislikes really matter?
Let's hear your thoughts. Then maybe we can grow in our personal walk with the Lord and grow in our walk with each other.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
2 Chronicles 7:14 What does it mean to us?
I first want to say sorry for such a long break between blogs. I will finish the other blog shortly but before that I would like to discuss this Sunday's sermon text with you. I've had many conversations with friends concerning this passage. We do not always agree on our conclusions...but that's OK. I want to know what you think. I will give you some background on the text, commentary I've found concerning the text, and my personal thoughts. Then, we will come together this Sunday to discover what God has laid on Bro. Joe's heart concerning the text.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV
Obviously this passage wasn't written to modern day America. It was actually a response from God to Solomon's request in chapter 6 concerning provisions for the people when they sinned. We often use this passage as if it were a promise for us, today. I don't think we are entirely wrong to do that. Let me explain.
While this is not a promise specifically to our country, I do believe it is a promise to "God's people". I don't believe we should ever exclude ourselves from promises we find in God's Word. When we do this, we must exclude ourselves from all promises from God's Word. How depressing would that be? I do believe we have to carefully look at God's Word and discover how it applies to us today in its context of scripture. So, let's get at it!
If my people who are called by my name
Two concepts are basic here...(1) Israel belonged to God; His ame had been called upon them; (2) they must acknowledge this and submit to His authority.
And pray and seek my face
Not only are they to pray to God, bu they are not to settle fo less than being admitted into His presence. They must see Him.
Turn from their wicked ways
God will not hear prayers unaccompanied by true repentance.
When once the ear of God is reached, He will not only remove the guilt but will restore to health and usefulness.
above taken from the Broadman Bible Commentary
God answered Solomon with four conditions for forgiveness...
1. humble yourself by admitting your sins.
2. pray to God, asking for forgiveness.
3. seek God continually.
4. turn from sinful behavior.
True repentance is more than talk - it is changed behavior. Whether we sin individually, as a group,or as a nation, following these steps will lead to forgiveness. God will answer our earnest prayer.
So, does this apply to us today? I strongly believe it does. I believe it applies to us as individuals, as a church, and as a nation. Now first let me say I love my country. I'm proud to be an American...but I don't believe we have special privileges with God because we are Americans. Yes, we have unbelievable freedoms compared to other parts of the world. Yes, we have been blessed as a nation since the beginning of our existence. But hear me carefully, God doesn't love us anymore as a nation than He does Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, etc. On a side note, I detest taking precius worship time with my Father away to exalt a nation.
Now back to the passage. What is this saying to us today? Well, I think it is pretty clear. As individuals, we need to get our lives in line with our heavenly Father. That is going to take true repentance. We are all living lives that fall short of the Glory of God. We struggle with sin. We hold on to wrongs that were done to us by others. We turn our backs on God all too often. We allow the things of the world to take us away from that precious time of worship with the family of God. All things of which we need to repent.
When we as individuals live lives that bring the Father glory, His church will be stronger than ever. We will see revival. We will experience His presence. There will be an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in our midst.
When the church becomes the church, we will see things change in our nation. I believe we have no one to blame except ourselves when it comes to our current state as a nation. We have failed to live out God's Word in our world. We have become a nation of wimpy "Sunday" Christians who look no different than those who are lost in their sin.
That brings me to my next thought. What should we look like? Simple answer, Jesus! As I recall, the only times Jesus was angered was when He was dealing with "church" people. To the outcast of society, Jesus was kind, compassionate, a friend. Did He overlook their sin? No, but he sure didn't belittle them or treat them as outcasts. He loved them. He cared for them. And His kindness exposed their sin. They became aware of the sin in their lives. It's only through that same love, compassion and kindness that we as individuals can make a difference through the church and in our nation. Why do so many think we are angry, mean, vindictive people? Because that is too often their experience with Christians. We must show love. We must show compassion. We must show kindness. We must accept them as they are and let God do the changing. As the song says, "Come just as you are. Hear the Spirits call. Come just as you are. Come and see, come recieve, Come and live forever. Life everlasting, strength for today. Taste the living water and never thirst again."
So how does this passage come to life in our lives today? We must humbly come before the Lord, seeking His forgivenss. We need to seek Him continually and turn from our sinful behavior. It's then and only then that He will heal our land. And remember, His healing my not look like we think it should. But His healing will be so much better than what we could have ever imagined. Let's truly experience revival in our lives, in our churches and in our nation. Let's live out our calling as "little Christ's. Then we will experience a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV
Obviously this passage wasn't written to modern day America. It was actually a response from God to Solomon's request in chapter 6 concerning provisions for the people when they sinned. We often use this passage as if it were a promise for us, today. I don't think we are entirely wrong to do that. Let me explain.
While this is not a promise specifically to our country, I do believe it is a promise to "God's people". I don't believe we should ever exclude ourselves from promises we find in God's Word. When we do this, we must exclude ourselves from all promises from God's Word. How depressing would that be? I do believe we have to carefully look at God's Word and discover how it applies to us today in its context of scripture. So, let's get at it!
If my people who are called by my name
Two concepts are basic here...(1) Israel belonged to God; His ame had been called upon them; (2) they must acknowledge this and submit to His authority.
And pray and seek my face
Not only are they to pray to God, bu they are not to settle fo less than being admitted into His presence. They must see Him.
Turn from their wicked ways
God will not hear prayers unaccompanied by true repentance.
When once the ear of God is reached, He will not only remove the guilt but will restore to health and usefulness.
above taken from the Broadman Bible Commentary
God answered Solomon with four conditions for forgiveness...
1. humble yourself by admitting your sins.
2. pray to God, asking for forgiveness.
3. seek God continually.
4. turn from sinful behavior.
True repentance is more than talk - it is changed behavior. Whether we sin individually, as a group,or as a nation, following these steps will lead to forgiveness. God will answer our earnest prayer.
So, does this apply to us today? I strongly believe it does. I believe it applies to us as individuals, as a church, and as a nation. Now first let me say I love my country. I'm proud to be an American...but I don't believe we have special privileges with God because we are Americans. Yes, we have unbelievable freedoms compared to other parts of the world. Yes, we have been blessed as a nation since the beginning of our existence. But hear me carefully, God doesn't love us anymore as a nation than He does Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, etc. On a side note, I detest taking precius worship time with my Father away to exalt a nation.
Now back to the passage. What is this saying to us today? Well, I think it is pretty clear. As individuals, we need to get our lives in line with our heavenly Father. That is going to take true repentance. We are all living lives that fall short of the Glory of God. We struggle with sin. We hold on to wrongs that were done to us by others. We turn our backs on God all too often. We allow the things of the world to take us away from that precious time of worship with the family of God. All things of which we need to repent.
When we as individuals live lives that bring the Father glory, His church will be stronger than ever. We will see revival. We will experience His presence. There will be an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in our midst.
When the church becomes the church, we will see things change in our nation. I believe we have no one to blame except ourselves when it comes to our current state as a nation. We have failed to live out God's Word in our world. We have become a nation of wimpy "Sunday" Christians who look no different than those who are lost in their sin.
That brings me to my next thought. What should we look like? Simple answer, Jesus! As I recall, the only times Jesus was angered was when He was dealing with "church" people. To the outcast of society, Jesus was kind, compassionate, a friend. Did He overlook their sin? No, but he sure didn't belittle them or treat them as outcasts. He loved them. He cared for them. And His kindness exposed their sin. They became aware of the sin in their lives. It's only through that same love, compassion and kindness that we as individuals can make a difference through the church and in our nation. Why do so many think we are angry, mean, vindictive people? Because that is too often their experience with Christians. We must show love. We must show compassion. We must show kindness. We must accept them as they are and let God do the changing. As the song says, "Come just as you are. Hear the Spirits call. Come just as you are. Come and see, come recieve, Come and live forever. Life everlasting, strength for today. Taste the living water and never thirst again."
So how does this passage come to life in our lives today? We must humbly come before the Lord, seeking His forgivenss. We need to seek Him continually and turn from our sinful behavior. It's then and only then that He will heal our land. And remember, His healing my not look like we think it should. But His healing will be so much better than what we could have ever imagined. Let's truly experience revival in our lives, in our churches and in our nation. Let's live out our calling as "little Christ's. Then we will experience a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
10 Guidelines From the Early Church
1. Worship Involves Sacrifice - In New Testament times, worship consisted initially of sacrifice (of animals). However, the focus of worship for Christians is on self-sacrifice in honor and adoration of Christ. Worship appears to be the total response of grateful persons to the grace of God that comes to us in the work of Jesus Christ. It is no longer related to the temple notion of animal sacrifice, but rahter, in Christ the whole Church has become a Temple and a preisthood inhabited by the Holy Spirit, or presence of God.
2. Worship is Spiritual - Even though worship does involve rituals, our worship, from a New Testament perspective, is essentially spiritual. It was an internal attitude rather than a practice of external rituals. This understanding is also found in Isaiah 1:11-20 and Psalm 51:15-17
3. Worship Did Include Specific Practices - Some of the rituals in the New Testament include baptism; communion; laying on of hands; foot washing; lifting up hands in prayer and worship; the reading of Scriptures; and contributions for ministry to those in need. Because we are not given explicit instruction on how to practice these rituals, many variations of their practices emerged in the early churches. Of course, the early Church patterned much of its worship service after that of the Jewish synagogue service. Worship services at first were on the Sabbath (Saturday), but by the middle of the first century, many Christians were gathering regularly on the first day of the week out of respect for the time of Christ's resurrection. At first, however, followers of Jesus in Jerusalem gathered daily in the Temple for prayers.
4. Worship Was Filled with Charismatic Praise - The offering of enthusiastic praise and prayer under the influence of the Holy Spirit was characteristic of the early Church's worship. This was demonstrated through speech and tongues, or ecstatic speech. Each person was given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good and to build up the body of Christ.
5. Worship Was Didactic - The early Christians were a teaching community give instruction in their time of worship.
I will share the last five next week.
The above examples show us how the early Church lived out its life in worship of God. Worship, of course, was not a simple act done occasionally, but rather a way of life that involved one's complete dedication to honor Christ and give our complete lives to serve Him. Worship cannot be reduced to a few songs, a Scripture reading, a sermon, and a closing prayer. It is a whole life of submission to the call of God that comes to us in the proclamation of Good News. Christian worship is good-news oriented, even when reflective music is sung. We serve a God who does not abandon His children when this world's challenges are overwhelming, but comes to us in all circumstance of life.
This is actually an article taken from Worship Leader magazine by Dr. Lee Martin McDonald. It's a great article and his last paragraph reflects my personal view of worship. So in light of the early church, how is our worship?
2. Worship is Spiritual - Even though worship does involve rituals, our worship, from a New Testament perspective, is essentially spiritual. It was an internal attitude rather than a practice of external rituals. This understanding is also found in Isaiah 1:11-20 and Psalm 51:15-17
3. Worship Did Include Specific Practices - Some of the rituals in the New Testament include baptism; communion; laying on of hands; foot washing; lifting up hands in prayer and worship; the reading of Scriptures; and contributions for ministry to those in need. Because we are not given explicit instruction on how to practice these rituals, many variations of their practices emerged in the early churches. Of course, the early Church patterned much of its worship service after that of the Jewish synagogue service. Worship services at first were on the Sabbath (Saturday), but by the middle of the first century, many Christians were gathering regularly on the first day of the week out of respect for the time of Christ's resurrection. At first, however, followers of Jesus in Jerusalem gathered daily in the Temple for prayers.
4. Worship Was Filled with Charismatic Praise - The offering of enthusiastic praise and prayer under the influence of the Holy Spirit was characteristic of the early Church's worship. This was demonstrated through speech and tongues, or ecstatic speech. Each person was given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good and to build up the body of Christ.
5. Worship Was Didactic - The early Christians were a teaching community give instruction in their time of worship.
I will share the last five next week.
The above examples show us how the early Church lived out its life in worship of God. Worship, of course, was not a simple act done occasionally, but rather a way of life that involved one's complete dedication to honor Christ and give our complete lives to serve Him. Worship cannot be reduced to a few songs, a Scripture reading, a sermon, and a closing prayer. It is a whole life of submission to the call of God that comes to us in the proclamation of Good News. Christian worship is good-news oriented, even when reflective music is sung. We serve a God who does not abandon His children when this world's challenges are overwhelming, but comes to us in all circumstance of life.
This is actually an article taken from Worship Leader magazine by Dr. Lee Martin McDonald. It's a great article and his last paragraph reflects my personal view of worship. So in light of the early church, how is our worship?
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